Virtual Back to School Night - Thursday, Sept. 10, 6:00-8:00pm Please join us for this special opportunity to connect with teachers and learn about what to expect this year.
ASB Leadership Announcements Your ASB Leadership is back with weekly announcements. Click the headline above for their new video!
Earn College Credit with Dual Enrollment! Take a Chabot College Dual Enrollment class this semester to earn early college credits that are transferable to UC or CSU (and to many private colleges).
Schedule Correction Request - Click here! Use this Form to notify us of a needed change with your schedule.
Get Help With Filing Your Taxes VITA Tax Help has partnered with our Financial Literacy and Leadership Initiative to offer Zoom based tax workshops every Tues. and Thurs. at 8pm.
The Town Kitchen - Youth Employment Opportunity! The Town Kitchen is a community-driven food company that employs and trains our youth by delivering chef-crafted meals and supplies to corporate and home clients.
Free Car Wash For Seniors! Splash Brothers, May 25-31 FREE ULTIMATE EXTERIOR WASHFOR ALL GRADUATING SENIORSFrom 5/25-5/31Show our cashier a valid senior student IDno purchase necessary and can not be combined with any other offer of promos