Attendance Information
Every Day Counts! Every day counts in a child’s education. Every day a student misses school, they get more than two days behind their peers, they must make up missed learning and catch up with new learning at the same time. Every day a student is in school, they benefit from direct instruction and raise their chances to score well on fundamental testing while learning a valuable lesson in the life skill of responsibility. Absences, excused or not, also take away valuable funding from our school. Attendance is compulsory by law and is the responsibility of all students and parents/guardians.
REPORTING AND CLEARING ABSENCES: If your student misses school for any reason, you must call or send a note within 48 hours of the date of absence to excuse them. If you are calling to report your student(s) absent due to illness, please provide as much detail about what your student is experiencing.
Please include the following information in your voice message or written note:
- Name of Person calling, including relationship to student (parent, guardian, etc.)
- Please state and spell student’s name, ID#, if known.
- Student’s grade.
- Date of absence.
- Period(s) absent, or the times of the absence, be specific.
- Reason for absence-must state specific reason for absence.
- Daytime telephone number.
Please see “Types of Excused Absences” below for absences that are considered “excused”. Other personal reasons such as observation of religious holidays & college visits may be excused with advance written approval. Please see “Pre-Approval Absence Form” to request advance permission for these types of absences to be considered as excused.
Illness & Covid Symptoms: DO NOT send students to school with symptoms of illness. Report the illness to the House Office & keep the student home until symptoms are no longer present and/or conditions of return have been satisfied. Please see the CVUSD COVID Safety Plan for current guidance related to isolation and quarantine requirements for students with covid symptoms.
Symptoms Include: New loss of taste/smell, Difficulty Breathing, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Fever (100 degrees or higher), Cough, Severe Headache, Sore Throat, Runny Nose.
Current Covid Guidelines: Current COVID Guidelines that the school and district are following can be found here.(move up or merge into section above related to Covid)
PARENTSQUARE is our Automated absence notification system please be aware that you will receive notification via TEXT message, PHONE call or EMAIL for student absences that have not been cleared for the day. For More Information, Click Here
Attendance Correction: Absences posted in error must be resolved by THE STUDENT contacting the teacher who marked the student absent. OFFICE STAFF will not contact the teacher as a result of parent email reply to absence notifications.
Forms for Absence
District Independent Study Information
District Independent Study Contract
Early Release: Any student who must leave campus early for a medical appointment or other reason should obtain an off campus pass from their House Office in the morning of the day of early release. Please call or email the House Office secretary at least 2 hours in advance to request early release. The message must include:
- Your name and relationship to the student
- Student’s first & last name (include spelling)
- Student ID number (if available)
- Phone number to reach you in the event that we must contact you regarding the message.
- Reason for the need to be released-be specific.
- The exact date and time the student must be released from school.
Types of Excused Absences: What type of absences are EXCUSED? Cleared absences are excused when reported within 48 hours of the absence and as defined by California Education Code 48205. Examples of absences that are considered excused are:
- Medical/Dental Appointments
- Personal Illness
- Funeral Services for an immediate family member.
- Court Appearances
- Religious Holiday Observance when approved by the Principal or designee upon receipt of prior written request. (see Pre-Approval Absence Form)
- Participation in religious instruction or exercises in accordance with district policy: (Education Code 46014) (see Pre-Approval Absence Form)
- In such instances, the student shall attend at least the minimum school day (4 hours).
- The student shall be excused for this purpose on no more than four days per school month.
- Participation in school approved activities.
- Visiting active duty immediate family members of the uniformed services (limited time allowed)
For the purpose of the absences described above, immediate family means the student's parent/guardian, brother or sister, grandparent, or any other relative living in the student's household. (Education Code 48205)
Types of Non-excused Absences: Non-excused absences are usually avoidable and include some of the following examples:
- Vacation
- Parent requiring student to perform childcare
- Student's birthday
- Family changing residence within school district
- Visiting relatives
- Car trouble
- Shopping
- Oversleeping
Pre-Approved Absences: For pre-planned absences of one to two days, to ensure that the student’s absence or excuse is not counted toward truancy, advance written request by the parent/guardian and approval of the principal or designee is requested for the following justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to: (Ed. Code 48205, AR 5113). Please use this Pre-Approval Absence Form
- Attendance at religious retreat not to exceed four (4) hours per semester.
- Observance of holiday or ceremony of his/her religion.
- Attendance at an employment interview or conference.
- College visit (post-secondary options.)
- Family Necessity of less than 3 school days provided the pupil makes up all the work missed during the absence. Reason for absence must be given
- Other pre-approved justifiable (non-vacation) reasons. Subject to administrative approval.
Excused Tardy: If the student has an excused reason for arriving late, please notify the House Office Secretary and provide an appointment verification slip or other supporting documentation to excuse the tardy or partial day absence. Late arriving students must check in at their appropriate house office and obtain a readmit slip to enter class once the school day has begun unless instructed otherwise by the House Office Secretary.
Independent Study: A short term Independent Study contract is a voluntary alternative to a regular classroom program of instruction when a student is absent from school for not less than three (3), not more than ten (10) consecutive, and not more than fifteen (15) cumulative days school days. More information can be found on the District’s Independent Study Information page. The District’s website includes a link to the downloadable Independent Study Contract.
Vacations: Vacations should be scheduled to coincide with the District's instructional calendar. Typically make-up work is not accepted for unexcused absences. However, short-term Independent Study may be arranged for students that will be absent from regular instruction for a minimum of three(3) consecutive instructional days (Board Policy 6158). A request for Independent Study should be submitted ten school days prior to the absence, and the Principal has the right to deny a short-term Independent Study agreement. If approved, the work must be completed and turned in on the assigned due date or when the student returns to school, whichever is first.
Contact the Attendance Office or House Office Secretary if you have any questions regarding student attendance. To access: Call (510) 537-5910 For Attendance: Press 1