Castro Valley High School Home

September Updates


I hope everyone had a restful Labor Day Weekend!
I am pretty sure the extra time was good for
everyone! School has started and after a month in,
we are off to a great start. Back to School Night was
well received and attended by our community and
we want to thank all the staff for preparing such a
wonderful event. Mr.Rexell and the band, Ms
Sadoway and the Madrigals, and the Spirit Squad
greeted parents as they entered campus. There
were tables with information about the wonderful
activities and opportunities our school provides,
which created a festive atmosphere.
As we move into the month of September, we will
be moving into the next phase of eliminating Hate
Language and creating a more WIES campus. I
encourage you to remind your student of the
compact they sign during registration and/or the
first day of school during third period. In August
we had no consequences for language but starting
in September going forward their will be
consequences based on intent to harm or not.
CVHS School Site Council (Opportunities!)
We need one or two parent volunteers to be on
the CVHS School Site Council (SSC). The SSC
meets once a month at 4:00pm in the Main Office
Conference Room. Together, with students and
staff, the SSC analyzes CVHS efforts to meet our
goals and shape plans to address our
shortcomings. Please send nominations to Ms.
Rose. You can nominate yourself or a
friend/family member. It is a two year
commitment and it is important that our
members can attend the majority of our

Calendar of Events

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