January Updates

CVHS Students,
Have you seen the animation of a dog that has popped into the bottom right hand corner of your screen starting today while you are using the chrome browser and logged into your cv.k12.ca.us account? If so, CLICK on the dog! Click on it at home or click on it at school!
CVHS is excited to be utilizing a survey tool that quickly solicits information from students. The Kelvin Pulse Survey system operates through the Google Chrome platform and allows students to respond at any point over a survey window which lasts 7 days.

Through the surveys, we will be collecting valuable culture and climate information for our campus which will provide us opportunities to better understand our students and the dynamic of school for them. 

Pulse surveys will be conducted the following days:
Anti-Hate Speech Survey (3 administration ranges)
Monday, January 27 to Sunday, February 2
Monday, March 24 to Sunday March 30
Monday, May 19 to Sunday May 25
“Core” Survey (2 administration ranges)
Monday, March 3 to Sunday, March 9
Monday, April 28 to Sunday, May 4

So the next time you see Boogie (dog), CLICK on him and fill out this quick survey.  We are hoping for 100% participation!
Thank you!
Go Trojans!