To purchase your ad online, follow the instructions on the form below. Yearbook ad sales are managed by Jostens, so please do not contact or send materials to the school. Also, take into account our school's ad content guidelines on the bottom of this form during the creation of your online.
It's easy! Create your ad online at
1. Choose your ad size and layout.
2. Enter your text.
3. Upload your photos.
Important information about yearbook ads:
• Our school reserves the right to edit ads per our guidelines.
• We retain the right to remove any explicit text, graphic photos or copyright-protected imagery or photos.
• For the ad to appear in the yearbook, your ad must be purchased by the order deadline.
• Color photographs uploaded for black-and-white ads will appear in black and white.
• We will make every effort to use your layout and text as indicated. A proof will not be provided and no changes can be made after purchase.
Frequently asked questions:
Q - How are the ad prices determined and what is the money used for?
A - Ad prices are determined by our school. The revenue from Recognition Ads helps support our yearbook and keep it affordable for everyone.
Q - How is the ad deadline determined?
A - The ad deadline is set by our school based on the production schedule for the yearbook.
Q - How is the ad deadline determined?
A - The most effective ads reflect a balance between words and pictures. Ad text can consist of personal messages, inspiring quotations and/or passages from poetry. If you would like to see samples of the messages used in other ads, visit our website
Q - Can I send my materials to the school?
A - No, please do not send your materials to our school. Our school has selected Jostens to assist with the ad program. Please call their customer service number (800) 358-0800 if you have questions or need assistance in creating your ad.
We're Interactive!
To find more information about the yearbook, how you can contribute, and get the latest from our staff, check us out on our Twitter page (@YearbookCVHS). Be sure to follow and share your pictures with us (#followforfollow) or #yearbookcv. We're also on Instagram (YearbookCVHS) #yearbookcv.
More questions? Call Jostens at (800) 358-0800
Yearbook Distribution