Engineering - Project Lead the Way Pathway, is a unique four year pathway which provides students with the foundational knowledge necessary for post-secondary studies and careers in engineering. Pathway students are grouped into cohorts through their English and PLTW classes which allows teachers to design engineering-focused lessons, assignments, and field-trips; as well as internship opportunities. In our dedicated PLTW computer lab and engineering workshop, students in this pathway will be exposed to technology and equipment used in top companies including CAD and Autodesk software, CNC milling machines, 3D printers, 3D laser scanners, engravers, robotic arms and more. Additionally, PLTW students can take the AutoCAD certification test and can apply for college credit for some of their PLTW course work. In the fourth year of Engineering, EDD is a capstone project course that allows students to showcase their engineering knowledge and skills to working with professionals and the public community to solve real world problems.
Engineering Pathway Goals
- Foster highly transferable skills in collaboration, communication, and critical thinking which are relevant for any coursework and career.
- Prepare students to apply engineering, science, math, and technology to solve complex, open-ended problems in a real world context.
- Expose students to tools, practices, requirements and certification for careers and post-secondary study in engineering or related fields.
**Taking all 4 years of this program = students have the potential to earn early college credit for Engineering 10 and Engineering 11 at Chabot College.
The classes below are required to be in the Engineering pathway. After completing four years, students are given a graduation stole for successful completion of the Engineering Pathway.
Course Sequence
- Year 1:Introduction to Engineering Design
- Year 2: Principles of Engineering
- Year 3: Civil Engineering & Architecture
- Year 4: Engineering Design & Development
To learn more about the courses and the Engineering Pathway, please visit our website at