College & Career Pathways » Drama, Art & Design Academy (DADA)

Drama, Art & Design Academy (DADA)

Drama, Art & Design Academy

The Drama, Art & Design Academy (DADA) is one of the few ways for a student to take four full years of drama or art while on a college track at CVHS. It is a small learning community dedicated to providing students with a curricular program which allows them to explore the fields of dramatic and visual arts. DADA students are grouped into cohorts through their Arts and select core academic classes each year. DADA teachers design arts-focused assignments and take students on arts field trips. These experiences inspire students to achieve highly in all fields of study and to mature academically, artistically, and personally. DADA students' shared experiences help create a tightly-knit community of students who regularly support each other both in and out of class.


Upon successful completion of the DADA program and graduation from CVHS, DADA students are prepared to continue their arts studies at the post-secondary level, or to pursue professional training that will enable them to enter a variety of theatre- or art-related occupational fields.


The classes below are required to be in the DADA  pathway.

Course Sequence

  • 9th Grade-Beg Theatre or Beg Studio Art*
  • 10th Grade-Intermediate Theatre, Graphic Design, Ceramics, Sculpture or Figure and Fashion Illustration*
  • 11th Grade-Advanced Theatre, Advanced Graphic Design, Advanced Sculpture, Advanced Ceramics or Advanced Studio Art
  • 12th Grade-Advanced Theater, Tech Theater, Advanced Graphic Design, Advanced Sculpture, Advanced Ceramics, Advanced Studio Art or AP studio Art: Drawing, 2D Design or 3D Design*Indicates required courses within the pathway cohort.  Students must take these courses to enroll in DADA.

*Indicates required courses within pathway cohort. Students must take these courses to enroll in       DADA